Mumy zura Tell Momy bout tis product.. n mumy tros jtoh chenta ngn produk ni.. dh la stylo, fancy plk tu.. kaler dia pn striking jer.. n ape yg penting botol nih blh pnaskn susu angel up to 37Cls.. ermm.. sesuai kalo berjln jauh.. so let's check it out..
iiamo go is a self-warming feeding bottle made in Denmark. It is the only feeding bottle in the world which will warm up 180 ml milk to the recommended 37°C (body temperature) in only about 4 minutes – without the use of electricity. No power, no cord, no limitations. The secret is a heater – iiamo warm – containing only salt (CaCl2) and water.
Of course iiamo go is completely free from BPA and iiamo go has a built-in anti-colic airing system.

iiamo flow is available in four sizes:
0m+: 1 hole
1m+: 2 holes
3m+: 3 holes
6m+: 4 holesiiamo

iiamo go has a built-in anti-colic airing system enabling the bottle and the teat to adjust the amount of air to prevent vacuum in the bottle.
Surveys indicate a connection between vacuum in the bottle and colic, which iiamo therefore helps prevent.
iiamo warm is a heater which will warm milk to 37° C in just 4 minutes without electricity. No cords. No limitations.
iiamo warm contains only salt and water - so no bad conscience towards the environment. This sounds weird, but it is, in fact, true. The warming effect originates from the rehydration of dried salt, meaning that salt and water are mixed to salt water, releasing energy. This leaves just salt water and heating for your child’s milk.

So Mumie can Cekedots tis product at