Fever Again

Since mummy MC psl cabot gigi last monday, Mya plak demam on a next day!! mula2 cume batok n selesema je.. pastu melarat plak ke demam. Arrggh.... arini dah masuk 3 ari dah Mya Demam.. Lemah jer dia, merenggek, menanish je... alahai anak mummy nih. Makan tak nak.. minum susu lagi larh.. boleh dikira.. 

ummm.. dalam jaga2 mya mummy sempat la gak serve "tenet" cmne nk reducekan panas si mya ni.. so ni adalah tok pengetahuan kita ya.. harap2 menjadi larh.. boleh la click link kt bwh ni tok penjelasan lanjut :-

P/S: mya cpt sembuh.. kita nak ke PD!!

DolLy.. doLlY Kata AAaaa.....

Cuti Panjang yang tak bermakna bila mane mummy kne cabot gigi... sungguh meyiksakan!! Sumpah lepas ni mummy tak nak lagi cabut gigi.. hehehhe... bayangkan la.. setelah umur 31thn baru 1st time cabut gigi.. giler kan?? ha...and to u my dear angel.. kne la jaga gigi elok taw..

Bila dah terlanjur berjumpa doktor tu.. mummy pun tanyakan skali mengenai penjagaan gigi untuk kanank2. Ialah kan... mya pn dah ade hampir 12 btg gigi sekarang ni. Mestila kne wat sumting supaya gigi mya x rosak.. doktor advice supaya jangan guna ubat gigi for her age.. or kalo nk juga guna kne beli ubat gigi yg non-floride!! know why?? supaya gigi sicomell tidak berbelak2 akibat terlebih florida... since that day.. mummy and dady decide yang mya x payah la guna ubat gigi dulu juz gune berus je dulu. Somemore mya pun x pandai lagi nk "meludahkan" balik nanti dah jadi satu hal la plak.. Link kt bawah ni mummy jumpa pas cari2 artikal psl non-floride toothpaste. So blh la kite sama2 share. Susah jugak nak cari produk ni kat pasaran.. tp bile mummy dengan tak sengaja nye masuk kt toy's r us terjumpa la plak.. so bila masa diperlukan nanti mummy beli je la kat situ.


Effective Treatment for Bronchitis

If you are healthy and if your only health problem is bronchitis, then it is an easy job to cure bronchitis by starting the treatment immediately after the symptoms appear.  Though antibiotics are good for broncitis, do not rely too much on them because they are proven to cause too many side effects.  The person suffering from a respiratory problem or a heart trouble may find it difficult to defend against bronchitis problem.
The two types of bronchitis are acute or short-term bronchitis and chronic or long-term bronchitis.  Acute bronchitis is the initial stage of bronchitis and easy to cure.  It takes only two to three weeks to go away.  Bronchitis treatment at home is helpful and is a good alternative for gulping medicines.   As
cough is the major symptom of acute bronchitis, take necessary steps to get relief from cough. Drink plenty of fluid and few drops of cough syrup to remove irritants from the throat and lungs.  Cough suppressants are also useful in reducing cough.  Using expectorants is another good method to ease the cough and expel mucus, which is often the main culprit in case of bronchitis.         
If you are suffering from bronchitis, make sure that you don’t allow your throat to dry and do not consume things such as
alcohol or caffeine which are certainly harmful.  If you are in the habit of smoking, reduce the number of cigarettes or even quit smoking. That is good for your health.  Such simple tactics prove to be very good initiatives towards effective bronchitis treatment.
Acute bronchitis is caused due to infection.  In such a case, your body metabolism needs a lot of energy and strength to fight against the infection. To regain and recuperate, you would require sufficient rest with good amount of fluid intake such as juices, soups and milk.
If you are into such a situation, try to avoid moving in dusty, polluted and stormy areas for the fact that this would escalate the problem.  Hot water bath and inhaling steam are the other simple bronchitis treatment procedures that can be taken at home.
The other symptoms of acute bronchitis are fever and body aches.  By taking aspirin or ibuprofen one can get rid off fever and other similar problems.  If the person is under the age of 20, it is better to avoid taking aspirin.
There are various home remedies that have proven to be effective bronchitis treatment procedures. The medicines that your doctor prescribes often enlarge air passage, remove all the bronchitis symptoms and cough.  Though the relief is instant, they may yield to side effects like shaking or tremor.  Antibiotics are given only if there are complications in treating bronchitis.
Now that you have got educated on the treatment for bronchitis, you just need not be afraid when it comes to treating the disease.


Bronchitis is the result of the inflammation on the outer covering of the bronchial tube in the lungs.  The harmful pathogens are responsible for causing this disease.  The real cause of broncitis differs from person to person.  The symptoms for the disease are the almost the same among people who get affected by this disease. They include wheezing, persistent cough, breathlessness, fatigue, fever, chest pain and the like. The real cause of the bronchitis is usually detected via laboratory tests. Treatment is given based on the reports of the lab tests.

Causes of Bronchitis

Virus and bacteria play an important role in causing the disease.  Rhino virus, influenza and adenoviridae viruses are the viral pathogens that cause this disease.  Viral pathogens that cause bronchitis do not stay in the human body for a long time.  It does not require any medication or treatment.  In such a case where bronchitis is caused by bacteria, mere antibiotics can solve the problem.  It is important that we understand what bronchitis is and when infected with this disease, one it is critical that the patient gets to know the type of bronchitis he is suffering from! 

Immediate Treatment is Inevitable

If bronchitis is neglected during the initial stages, then it may lead to chronic bronchitis.  Smokers can get the infected from the pathogens.  Tar is also responsible in forming inflammation.  The inner walls of the bronchi get damaged due to that and in the long run it certainly causes life-threatening diseases like cancer and pneumonia

Nature of Pathogens

Pathogens are contagious by nature.  The treatment has to be given after finding the type of pathogen that has actually caused the disease.  The treatment methodology would be the same for all people who get affected by the same type of pathogen.  Cleanliness and hygiene are helpful to get rid off pathogens

Methods to Control Pathogens

Some of the very simple methods that you can follow to stay away from pathogens are:
  • Wash your hands before meals and after using toilet.
  • Use clean kerchief when coughing and blowing your nose.
  • Avoid staying in polluted, stormy and dusty place for a long time.
  • Quit the habit of smoking.
  • Consuming alcohol is one way of comfortably allowing pathogens to enter in to your body.  So, quit the habit of drinking.

Over-the-counter Medicines are Dangerous

Unlike any other disease, over the counter medicines are not helpful in curing the disease.  Antihistamines are harmful in case of bronchitis.  They thicken the mucus and make it tough to get expelled out of the lungs.  Expectorant cough syrup gives sufficient relief to the patients.  Antihistamines should not be consumed along with the cough syrup. If the real cause is identified through laboratory test, undergo treatment as per the doctor’s advice accordingly. Do not self medicate.  If the symptoms persist for more than a month, then take the advice of the physician. 

Types of Bronchitis

There are two major types of broncitis. They are acute bronchitis and chronic bronchitis.  Chronic bronchitis is otherwise known as COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).  Inflamed lungs or bronchus creates a lot of mucus.  This results in cough and difficulty in breathing. 
Some viruses cause cold and these are in turn responsible for acute bronchitis.  The initial symptoms found are sinus infection, sore throat and running nose.  They are capable of blocking the air passage of the lungs. They also cause lingering dry cough.  But it does not remain for a long time. But they have proven to be very short lived!

Signs and Symptoms for Chronic Bronchitis

Some of the very common signs include:
-Yellow colored mucus
- Discolored mucus while coughing
- Extended discolored mucus is indicative of chronic bronchitis

Signs and Symptoms for Acute Bronchitis

They are:
- Chest congestion
- Sinus problem
- Mild fever and chills
- Experiencing tightness and burning sensation in the chest
- Wheezing
- Breathing trouble
- Sore throat

Risks Involved

It is a contagious disease. How long bronchitis is contagious after taking antibiotics is the common query amongst many people.  While coughing, the germs can get transmitted from one person to another and thus the disease spreads.  Viruses cause acute bronchitis.  Air pollution, smoking, cold location and dumps are the main causes of acute bronchitis.  Smoking is the main reason for chronic bronchitis.  Breathing in dust and fumes for a long time causes chronic bronchitis. 

Treatment of Bronchitis

As the bronchitis is caused by viruses, antibiotics are not helpful in treating the disease.
- Take plenty of rest
- Drink lot of fluids
- Take cough medicine whenever you need immediate relief.
- Allow the mucus to come out. This removes the irritants from lungs
- If the problem is due to bacterial infection, then take antibiotics.

Prevention is Better than Cure

- As smoking escalates the trouble in breathing, avoid smoking.
- Use a mask, when you travel in a polluted area.
Flu vaccine helps prevent acute bronchitis
- Do not rub your eyes and dig your nose very often. This would spread the infection.
- The symptoms of chronic bronchitis can be controlled by medicines, but it cannot be cured completely.  In that situation antibiotics can be given by the doctor to avoid getting into any other infection.  You cannot take antibiotics for a long time without the advice of the doctor, so depending on your body condition and
health, the doctor can help you in answering how long bronchitis is contagious after taking antibiotics.

:: MiracLe Year 2011 ::

Tahun ini mempunyai 4 tanggal aneh:
1-1-11 , 11-1-11, 1-11-11, 11-11-11. cantek kn nombor2 nih??

Sekarang cuba ini:
ambil 2 digit terakhir tahun kelahiran anda
(cth tahun 1990 amik 90 je )
dicampur dengan umur anda tahun ini.
(umur tahun ni mesti 21)
hasilnya pasti 90 + 21 =111...
nice Subhanallah !!
its... miracle , try it.....!!
Allah swt Maha Agung!
selamat mencuba .

GonG xi Fa Chaii :: HAppY ChiNese New YeaR ::

Gong Xi Fa Cai! It's how the Chinese greet the new year (literally it means "Congratulations and be prosperous"). Happy Chinese New Year To All Malaysian Chinesian!! Happy RaBbit year!!! May Joy, Happiniest n prosperous!!
hehehe.. org len musim2 cuti lame2 ni sume g bercuti tapi cian mya.. kne dok umah jerk.. al-maklumla mya pn x brp sihat lagi.. masih lagi batok!! mummy dan daddy sgt2 risau dengan keadaan mya yang x menentu tu!! Pada mulanya dady mmg nak bawak mya ke UTARA.. tp setelah dipikirkan keadaan angel mummy tu.. daddy cancel kan larh.. tok kebaikan kami sefamily.. ;)
1st raya mya dah mule bowink when mak long n family balik kampung "lenggeng" yeala x de "yaman" which is mya calling abang aiman.. cute kan?? salunya "yaman' la yang suke layan si mya nih.. heheh.. cbe tgk muke buhsan mya kt bwh nih

2nd day.. ni mase tgh bekpes kt section 8 tu pun dah lewat sgt.. bekpes ngn pak lang coz pak lang pun tgh buhsan tahap gaban sebab mak n atok blk kampung gak..hehhehe.. cian pak lang.. nak dok umah segan coz ade bibik... Then ptg tu pas solat jumaat daddy ajk g kua g 1utama.. pheww... lega ckit ati mummy nih.. atleast blh la release ckit buhsan si mya chomeelll.. tp yang x beshhnye tu... kedai byk yg masih tutup lagi.. nk soping pun cam x sonok.. Abih pusing2 g makan then balik umah layan ZZzzzzz.. ape lg tdo ar..

Bangun Sabtu Pagi agak lewat.. heheh.. msg2 layan mimpi (mumy & daddy larh).. sampai x sedar yang si tonet cumell ni dah bangun... nak di jadikan citer... both of us bangun dgn terkezutnye sbb dgr benda jatuh dari tangga.. OMG!!!! seb bek bkn si mya yang jatuuh... adehh.. penin2 lalat mumy dibuatnya.. daddy lagi la berderau darah!!! Mya dh pandai panjat tangga yang sebelum nih dia x penah pun minat ke arah itu!!! dahla Tannga rumah tu x de safety langsung.. ngn pemegang tangga xde.. isskhh. risau sgt!!! tp nasib la mya x de pape.. Thanx GOD!! Daddy n mummy skrg nih tgh menyevey pagar yang sesuai tok tannga umah kami tu.. Pada Si chumell Mya "PLS SYG for tis time, tlg jgn main lagi kt tangga yea!!" ni warning ni syg!!

p/s: kne selalu berhati2 n pantau si chumell!!

NeW YeaR = New LooK

Wow! My New Year has been an eventful one already! What about yours?
Hahahah... it's already in february okeh... x pe la.. juz wanna wish a Happy New Year 2011
May this year bring a Happiniest, Prosperity, Luck, More Family member ( adik for mya) etc...

January 2011 celebrate abang adam, mak long and dady burfday
Maklong buat party khas for abg adam yeala.. abg adam still a child rite?? maklong buat on 2nd January at maklong hse.. small party but happening!! Mya love it!!!

Then Last week on 29th January mumy deciced nk wat BBQ @ makan2 for maklong and dady's burfday!! walaupan lambat tp masih lg dlm January kn?? maklong born on 12th and dady on 19th!! Wat BBQ at Atok's hut (pondok) hehhee... mmg situ pon port yg terbaik...
we r inviting atok dollah and tok din (atok friend's) olso aunty baiti our new family member!! walaupn hujan aritu tp BBQ ttp on!! tgk la pic bwh ni

nmpk sedap n lazatkan?? ayam tu mummy marined sendiri taw!! and macam biasa la abg aiman yang akan jadi mangsa tok nyalakan arang.. tgk la pic bwh ni

haa... makanan kt atas tula yg ada time tuh.. meehoon goreng and lagsana cooked by maklong, big apple donut by anty ena, fruits & mash potato by me (mummy) hehhehe..
so next burfday is coming on MARCH!!

olso My Baby Mya was 1 year 6 month already..
Can you believe how fast time flies! She's doing a lot of walking (and a lot of falling). haha.. yeah!!
I'm so proud of her.. more Talkactive, like to dance, yeah.. forsure more notty!!


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