Some viruses cause cold and these are in turn responsible for acute bronchitis. The initial symptoms found are sinus infection, sore throat and running nose. They are capable of blocking the air passage of the lungs. They also cause lingering dry cough. But it does not remain for a long time. But they have proven to be very short lived!
Signs and Symptoms for Chronic Bronchitis
Some of the very common signs include:-Yellow colored mucus
- Discolored mucus while coughing
- Extended discolored mucus is indicative of chronic bronchitis
Signs and Symptoms for Acute Bronchitis
They are:- Chest congestion
- Sinus problem
- Mild fever and chills
- Experiencing tightness and burning sensation in the chest
- Wheezing
- Breathing trouble
- Sore throat
Risks Involved
It is a contagious disease. How long bronchitis is contagious after taking antibiotics is the common query amongst many people. While coughing, the germs can get transmitted from one person to another and thus the disease spreads. Viruses cause acute bronchitis. Air pollution, smoking, cold location and dumps are the main causes of acute bronchitis. Smoking is the main reason for chronic bronchitis. Breathing in dust and fumes for a long time causes chronic bronchitis.Treatment of Bronchitis
As the bronchitis is caused by viruses, antibiotics are not helpful in treating the disease.- Take plenty of rest
- Drink lot of fluids
- Take cough medicine whenever you need immediate relief.
- Allow the mucus to come out. This removes the irritants from lungs
- If the problem is due to bacterial infection, then take antibiotics.
Prevention is Better than Cure
- As smoking escalates the trouble in breathing, avoid smoking.
- Use a mask, when you travel in a polluted area.
- Flu vaccine helps prevent acute bronchitis
- Do not rub your eyes and dig your nose very often. This would spread the infection.
- The symptoms of chronic bronchitis can be controlled by medicines, but it cannot be cured completely. In that situation antibiotics can be given by the doctor to avoid getting into any other infection. You cannot take antibiotics for a long time without the advice of the doctor, so depending on your body condition and health, the doctor can help you in answering how long bronchitis is contagious after taking antibiotics.
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