Go.. go.. Away Chicken!!!

fuuuhhh....finally, angel dpt gak hamik jab chicken pox. Walaupun percent nye x la tinggi mne tok elak dpt "chicken" tuh... tp mummy amik la langkah berjaga2.. yea la since mummy pn cuti dh x brp nk ada nih, walaupun dh hujung tahun... tp kne la gak foward 1, 2 ari cuti tu ke tahun depan.

and ape yg so 'supprised' mummy and dady, bila tiba2 jerk si angel nih berjalan dengan sendirinya infront of nurse counter.. dady la yang perasan dulu.. heheheh.. finally baby u can walk alone w/o anyone!!! mmuuaaahhh... love u so much baby..

p/s : - Jgn lupe jab 18month nye next year 14.3.2011


what a bowink day!!! MOOD RAYA is coming!!! mummy Still Hoping A Miracle for to day.. ya... If Management blh bagi 1/2 day arini.. blh la mummy wat persediaan cikit tok malam nih.. ya.. i mean.. tis malam raya our org kampung "D'Kelompok" nak bermarhaban tiap rumah... Bukan nk wat Persediaan ape pun juz nk kemas umah yang x berapa nk kemas tuh.. hahahha.. plisshhh pray ya fwend!!!

Hey.. are you guys ready to slaughter the cows? camels? or wat ever... for tommorrow?? wah.. x sabor la plak nk suh angel mummy ni tgk lembu secara live!!

Anyway, Wishing all of you "SELAMAT HARI RAYA AIDIL ADHA" !!!!

VtEch WalkEr

22.10.2010 - Finally Mummy Dapat gak Belikan Mya sumting yang boleh bantu mya blajar berjalan... yeah. RITE!!! Arini mummy dengan tak sengaja nye g ke Alamanda yang kunun2nya nk cari halloween pack for tommorrow party (23.10.2010 - besday party antie meylda). So Mummy managed to get a Sit-To- Stand Learning Walker Brand VTech.

"with a barnyard of friends to cheer baby on, so lil' one will love to learning to walk using the Sit To Stand Learning Walker. Start her out with the easy to remove play panel for floor play or fun on the run. Then step it up with the fun to maneuver walk. The learning Walker has a medly off fun : three spinning flower, five piano keys, colourful rollers, three light-up shape sorters and telephones handset . And, the Sit-To- Stand Learning Walker keeps baby on the track teaching shapes, colours,animals, musics and more!!"

Mummy and Dady tak sabar nk tengok Mya berjalan.. Everyday Daddy mesti tanya Mya "Ble nk Jalan Ni Dik??" So, after tis hope mya rajin2 la main benda alah nih yea.. dan you dear darling can walk right after practising with it.. Mummy and Daddy will alwiz love u MYA SARA AMANY!!!!

LamE X 'Up daTE"

Cian Blog pwinChess Mummy nih.. lme no tak up date.. hehehe.. by the tis week.. mya n mummy kne tinggal umah with out dady.. uuuwwwaa... cian pwinchess mumy.. Dady Ke PAsir Gudang ngn AyAh Mie.. Semata2 nk Gi Amik Moto Yg Skrg Dorg tgh Giler nk Bawak...

Mya sgt notty plus 'mengada2' time dady x derk.. haiiya.. banyak penat mummy nk layan kerenah dia.. when she woke up in da morning.. tros je cari2 dady.. yg salunye mmg dady bg morning kiss for her lovely pwinchess.. since saturday morning till sunday evening dia meragam.. aiih.. mummy dgn pnoh kesabaran pjuk mya..
1st day (saturday) in da evening mumy bwk mya kua soping kt Shah Alam Mall jerk.. tu je yg mummy bani bwk kua.. lg2 abam kuntayeii ikt sama.. so mummy tkot keadaan tak terkawal.. heheheh... tp sebaliknya.. abam kuntayeii sgt2.. sgt2.. la behave... tak sangka la mummy.. neway thankz abam kuntayeeiii.. right after pusing2 dan membeli dan membelah.. dan beli sikit ganjaran wat abam kuntayeii yg behave n nany toothpaste (kne belikan gak sbb nany ngadu sakit gg... poor nany.. so mummy belikan la sensadyne) btol ke mummy eja nih.. hahah..
At Nigth.... mummy ajak abam aiman n adam teman both of us tido kt umah according sikap penakut mummy.. hehhehe.. pny la payah mya nk tdo coz of wanna play with 2 abam.. heheh.. at least dia tak la merenggek lagi.. abis bab malam.. pagi esoknya mummy pg2 lg mya bangun dan merangkak atas katil tok tgk kt bwh dan sebut 'dad..dad..dad..' mya ig yg tdo kt bawah tu dady.. tp sbnrnya abam dia yg 2 org tuh.. hehehhe.. cian ank mummy.. Bwk Bekpes sumenye di JAYATI seksyen 17. alhamdulillah time bekpes sumenye behave..lega ati mummy.. dari Tengahari pai la ke Petang keje mummy asik nk pujuk mya n layan kerenah dia jerk.. So.. Ble Mya notty sangat mummy sumbat mya dalam basket nih hehehhe.. nk bagi mya senyap ckit..

Sib BEk Diam Gak Mya Dok Dlm BAsket nih.. Ble dh Pnat BAru Blh Tdo..

Mya Yg Mule Nk nanish.. Missing HEr Dady..

and now she's crying.. .hehehhe..

Finally 3.45pm dady safely arrived.. fuhhh!!! lega ati mummy... walaupun mya sedang asyik n nyenyak tido ptg tuh.. bangun2 jerk.. ble dgr sore dady dia.. bukan main lebar senyum.. gelak.. riang suke suki suka ati... aaiihh... mmg btol2 dady' dotter taw mya nih!!!

p/s: pasni pasti mummy blh bjlan jauh tinggal mya ngn dady.. hikhikhihikk..;D

Tanggal 31 Bulan 8 .... "AMAZING MERDEKA BABY"

MYA a.k.a EMAN (actually mumy akn tukokn name after 2 years.. NURUL EMAN to MYA SARA AMANY) was born on 31st August 2009.. "ANAK MERDEKA"... tat means mya now already 1 years old... wahh... cepatnye mase berlalu.. rase mcm mya ni still baby lg.. Walau mcmane pn... Hepi Burfday Dear... Mumy and Dady will alwiz love n care bout u... A lot of kissess n hugs for u pwinchess!!!! Harap2 pasni Mya dah boleh jalan.. x sabo nk nenok mya jalan.. xspecially dady larh... yea2 suh mya pandai jalan n bercakap.. Dady x sabo nk dgr Mya pgl "DADY"..

yeah.. firstly mummy mintak maap coz no burfday party according to "POSE TIME".. n mummy promise wat gak 1 fine day nti (date dh ade sbnrnye tp msh dpk2kn kt mne nk wat).. atleast mommy zura n dady plan wat a small BBQ party for u rite.. n tat nite was fun (mlm merdeka 30.8.2010) .. ada auntie meyda, auntie diana, uncle aus.. n uncle mech yg lmbt sampai.. olso ade abang aiman n abang aqhill a.k.a "KUNTAYEII".. and da next day we go to shop until dady drop.. hehehhe.. before blk dady singgah kt baskin robin beli cake for mya.. cehh.. jeles mummy coz dh acap kali mumy request burfday mumy tp x pnh dpt...
BUrfDay Gurlz yg Sdg Asyik Main...

Abg Aiman Yg BeruSaha Tok membarakan Arang... Tq Avang.. Peace No War..

KunTaYeii n Kakak FiOna Sdg BerPelukAn... (Love Each Other)

Tis da Cake...

Mya Tgh BerKObar2 Nk Ptong Itew cake Tp Avang Aiman BerkoBar2 nk MAkan itew Cake

p/s : Hepi Burfday Mya... we All love U

MoMmy So BiZi Women LAtely

i'm sory dear.. mommy so bz lately n x sempat nk update ape2 dlm blog nih.. macam-macam yang berlaku on tis July... Angel admit lg kt DEMC yang new building.. kenduri kendera sana sini.. plus sumore famly problem.. haaaiihsshh... and mumy x dpt nk upload pic coz laptop mommy angel dh rosakkan.. all pic ade dlm tuh.. x taw la blh dselamatkan or x.. oh..dear!!! pitty mommy!! hahahah.. and it's sound cm nk beli baru jerk..

neway, tis coming august kte dh nk berpose .. n u my dear will turn 1 on 31st August!!!! wah cepat btol mase berlalu.. and so sory ya dear.. no party for u.. yeala kan puasa.. but mommy promise we make some other day (yeahh.. momy will try to fix the date ya).

bercerita psal pose, pose tahun ni kite buka bertiga larh.. heheh.. or myb bukak jugak kt umah tok mama.. mesti besh coz ade mumy zura, mak ngah, mak cu.. plus... kakak fiona n baby thalia yg shoomey!!! x sabar plak nk tunggu tis fasting month.. n mommy hope some miracle will come..

Our Beloved Abg DeBab Burfday's Party

it's bout da celebration.. on 19.6.2010 we celebrate 2nd burfday our beloved 'abg debab' MUHAMMAD AQHILL HAIQAL. Mak Long wat party yg kirenya grand jugak la kali nie... ya ofcoz la.. noe wat?? hehehhe.. maklong tempah special kek for abg debab.. yes!!! got "KUNTAYEII' a.k.a OTROMEN on his cake.. juz looked his face impression hehhe.. so compius rite?? myb time tu abg debab pk btol or sekadar bermimpi his fav "KUNTAYEII" on his cake..

and tis a cake yg ats nye ade muke abg debab n juga "KUNTAYEI" kesygn dia.

comell kan kek abg debab?? ha.. ni home made taw.. auntie lila yg wat.. so kalo ade sape2 yg berkenan nk wat kek yg special blh la contact dia. Then malm tu acara membuka hadiah.. byk jgak abg debab dpt.. tp yg lbh xcited abg adam n abg aiman.. juz layan da pic ok....

abg debab ptong cake.. yeay!!

3 stooges a.k.a 3 abdul a.k.a ank teruna pejai n ina

angel pn cbok nk enterprame...

tgk spe yg xcited ???

aqhill explorer

and the next day celebrate "father's Day" plak.. Bwk DadY Dinner kt MEAT WORKS Mont Kiara..

iiamo Go.. Mumy Wanna Buy Tis For Angel

Mumy zura Tell Momy bout tis product.. n mumy tros jtoh chenta ngn produk ni.. dh la stylo, fancy plk tu.. kaler dia pn striking jer.. n ape yg penting botol nih blh pnaskn susu angel up to 37Cls.. ermm.. sesuai kalo berjln jauh.. so let's check it out..

iiamo go is a self-warming feeding bottle made in Denmark. It is the only feeding bottle in the world which will warm up 180 ml milk to the recommended 37°C (body temperature) in only about 4 minutes – without the use of electricity. No power, no cord, no limitations. The secret is a heater – iiamo warm – containing only salt (CaCl2) and water.

Of course iiamo go is completely free from BPA and iiamo go has a built-in anti-colic airing system.

iiamo flow is available in four sizes:

0m+: 1 hole
1m+: 2 holes
3m+: 3 holes
6m+: 4 holesiiamo

iiamo go has a built-in anti-colic airing system enabling the bottle and the teat to adjust the amount of air to prevent vacuum in the bottle.

Surveys indicate a connection between vacuum in the bottle and colic, which iiamo therefore helps prevent.

iiamo warm is a heater which will warm milk to 37° C in just 4 minutes without electricity. No cords. No limitations.

iiamo warm contains only salt and water - so no bad conscience towards the environment. This sounds weird, but it is, in fact, true. The warming effect originates from the rehydration of dried salt, meaning that salt and water are mixed to salt water, releasing energy. This leaves just salt water and heating for your child’s milk.

So Mumie can Cekedots tis product at www.iiamo.com

video Mandi Manda

weekends bersame cousin.. abg Aiman n Abg Adam.. so enjoyed it..

da old pic of mine

juz wanna 2 share it.. it most probaly my pic frm 0-5 month old

13 day old

when i was 1 month old- raya time

sleeping beauty... 2 month old

so xcited when i get tis bumboo seat
when i was 3 month old

photo season @ karangkraf karnival mummy bring me there when i was 5 month old

juz a beginner

hye... my name is nurul eman and noe's as angel... i was 7 month old. shaye baru je baru nk bljar2 gne blog nih.. smlm shaye ikt nany blk ke kampung w/out mumy n dady.. tis is my first time ikt nany w/out my parents... i was realy enjoy it.. it was realy fun.. dpt kenal sume cousin2. but the weather was really hot.. nasib bek nany mandikan shaye ble lpas puas bermain ngn cousin2 after tat shaye pun titon.. ble ptg nany ajk pakcu blk semula ke s.alam.. hooray... can see my luvly dady n mumy againn... i missed them... x sabar rase nye...
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