MoMmy So BiZi Women LAtely

i'm sory dear.. mommy so bz lately n x sempat nk update ape2 dlm blog nih.. macam-macam yang berlaku on tis July... Angel admit lg kt DEMC yang new building.. kenduri kendera sana sini.. plus sumore famly problem.. haaaiihsshh... and mumy x dpt nk upload pic coz laptop mommy angel dh rosakkan.. all pic ade dlm tuh.. x taw la blh dselamatkan or x.. oh..dear!!! pitty mommy!! hahahah.. and it's sound cm nk beli baru jerk..

neway, tis coming august kte dh nk berpose .. n u my dear will turn 1 on 31st August!!!! wah cepat btol mase berlalu.. and so sory ya dear.. no party for u.. yeala kan puasa.. but mommy promise we make some other day (yeahh.. momy will try to fix the date ya).

bercerita psal pose, pose tahun ni kite buka bertiga larh.. heheh.. or myb bukak jugak kt umah tok mama.. mesti besh coz ade mumy zura, mak ngah, mak cu.. plus... kakak fiona n baby thalia yg shoomey!!! x sabar plak nk tunggu tis fasting month.. n mommy hope some miracle will come..
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